Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas mug shot

Loving the glow-in-the-dark necklace honey!


Mr. T would be proud.

Monday, December 22, 2008

She's got eyes as big as saucers...oh you think she's a dish

I can't remember where I read this lyric from Elivis Costello, but boy does Ruby fit the bill.

Christmas Part I

The meat man...

I'll take a steak wrapped in bacon any day. UMMMMM!

Holidays with the Family

This weather wasn't going to stop "KIM-POSSIBLE!" She and her trusty sidekicks, E-Man and Sean-E-Boy brave the elements to make it to P-town.

Baby, it's cold outside!

It's beginning to feel...

alot like Christmas! So pretty, so much fun!

Pink Cheeks and snow angels


It's been 4 years since the last big snow...about time!

Daddy & Daughter Adventure!

Derek and Juliet take off to Missoula for a little hang time with the grandparents.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lots of dress up...

Everyday we find new ways to accessorize!

Breakfast with Santa


Juliet talked such a big game before and after we saw the man in red... "I sit in his lap next time!" "I was a little scared". She clung to me and shouted at him "Pink pony". Little Ruby was, of course, her mellow zen like self. "you want me to sit on this fat guys lap? OK."

Party Girl

Juliet loved having all her friends over to celebrate her B-Day. It was a great party but the only word I can really use to describe it it BLUR. All of the kiddos were very sweet. Will post pictures of the party soon.

Sarah's beautiful cake

Isn't she amazing?

Birthday Girl!

Happy 3rd B-day Miss Juliet!

The magic of a magical jewlery box.

Hello Kitty is the hit!

I was a little too old to appreciate My Little Pony. Now I am so thankful for my new little discipline assistant. Purple Luna goes bye bye on bad behavior!

Christmas Tree Hunt Part II

LOOK MA! NO BEES! The tree lot was a non-insect success. We found a really pretty Frasier (sp?) I may never by a Nobel again.

POST-Bee trauma

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes after our tree adventure. Later that night we went bowling with some friends and Juliet was in great spirits. Look at her little bowling cute and not stinky.

;) Even a 3 year old knows when its a bad throw!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


This is the hanson family BEEfore the christmas tree fiasco of 2008.

Here is Juliet in the car excited about picking and chopping down a tree.

This is the hanson family during our hunt for the perfect tree. See how happy? Lots of fun was had...until...

As we were walking back to the car, Derek was dragging the freshly cut tree, Ruby was in my arms and Juliet walking ahead of me...Juliet stops and I see her poking her foot in a hole. Not an ordinary hole, but an underground BEE hive hole! I was pretty casual at first. "Juliet, don't do that, you'll make them mad...we leave them alone, they leave us alone blah,blah moral of the story...yada yada" Well, the bees had a different lesson to impart. They swarmed. Juliet starts screaming and flailing her arms. I practically throw Ruby to Derek and wisk Juliet out of the bees. They are still following! I am smacking my poor kid's head trying to get them out of her hair and from behind her ears! She is then stamping her feet and I am and trying to brush them off her belly. Derek yells for me to take off her coat and clothes. Good thinking Montana boy! That finally helped get them all off of her. Seems like the bees are everywhere. Following Derek, on me. Juliet is terrified (Mama smacking her head probably didn't help). I am terrified that her throat is going to close up. Drink water! Is she able to swallow?

We get all of us in the car on lockdown. We leave the tree. As we pull up to the XMAS tree farm fellas and tell them we cut a tree down and left it behind...I get stung right under my armpit. I start freaking out and we have to take my shirt of right there and get the bee out! Not pretty. 7 stings for Juliet, 2 for Daddy, 1 for Mama and 1 for little Ruby. NOT the family memory we were thinking of creating when we walked out of the house this morning. Juliet is doing good - - she was so brave! "There are good bees and bad bees Mama!" "Can I show Finola my stings?" Thank God for Benadryl, Grandma Hanson's advice, and that bee allergies don't run in the family. My sting is bugging me, but if your kid has 7 stings and isn't complaining, I'd better button the lip. We are going to the XMAS tree lot in the city tonight. :) At least we all can laugh about it now...even Juliet. I wonder if next year she'll remember?

Juliet and her boys...

JujuBee just loves her cousins Ethan & Sean and especially her new Diego doll!