Saturday, January 2, 2010


Hooray! Who knew it was going to snow? We feel so lucky for our one half day of magic!

Ruby girl loved it! She thought eating it was the most fun of all.

It was perfect snowman/snowball snow. More perfect was when neighbor Pat (who we adore) called out "warm eggnog and brandy?" Don't mind if we do! :)

Tuckered out -- time for hot cocoa and jammies.

Trying out her new skiis

Juliet did great with the skiing. When she fell she was really good pushing herself up. Baby steps -- even got a taste of a little downhill action. She loooved that.


Grrr...Ruby the Red looking to find a fit

Yeehaww! SNOW!

Snow angels making snow angels

Ava & Juliet tasking this winter's vintage

Playdate with Ava -- a snowy walk around town

The snow is juuuust beginning and we are getting excited. Mama had the pleasure of waking Juliet up from her nap telling her "it's snowing!!!" and Juliet ran to the window excited as can be with that look of "is it sticking?" Love the small moments of wonder.