Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ruby Cate is TWO!!

Chasing big bubbles on her birthday
We found her with her finger in the cake
Love sent from the family
She knows it is her special day
Happy Birthday to our sweet lovey -- who reminds us daily that being two is hard work and that she is doing it her way. Her words are coming fast now and we are amazed each day at what she picks up. We are still calling her mini-mac (ala John McEnroe); she can really let you have it when she doesn't like your call. She is easy to laugh and easy to cry. She loves farms and animals and especially loves Diego ("Eggo"). Ruby is a carnivore who will eat most anything if you call it chicken and is teaching her 4 yr old sister about the love of bacon. She likes to lead you by the hand and will stop in front of the one thing she is not allowed to have and look at you with those huge brown eyes...and melt you.

Tissue Tear

She understood this was her day and her presents. She normally is NOT into sharing AT ALL... but today of all days, she actually let Juliet sit right next to her and help. It was very sweet.
Thank you Auntie Darcy, Uncle Erik and Boys -- I loooove it!
She couldn't be happier!
HOOOHooo! She loves horses - - they are her favorite

Hands off the pancake!

Dear Mama, please leave me alone and do not even think of touching my pancake! I don't need you hovering, trying to cut it into tiny unrecognizable pieces due to your worthless worry that I may choke. I want it whole and I want it round. Long live the pancake!

My sweet peach

Hard to believe her first real year of school is almost over! She has many words in Japanese and I love to see her make the connection when she knows a word in both Japanese and English. She is very proud. We couldn't have asked for a better transition with such a wonderful staff. Her favorite things right now are books (always), the game "Guess Who", Taiko drumming, and swinging on the rings at school. She is fearless and I have even witnessed her doing a cherry drop off of them! I just about lost my lunch on that one!

Spring Break in WA

Ruby Cate and Mama riding the rails...she just loved it! Made friends with everyone on the train. She had so much fun saying "hi" to everyone.

The girls just love their fellas. When Juliet gets sad, she always cries and says, "I miss my cousins!" Juliet talks about them soooo much her friends at school also say that they too have cousins named Ethan & Sean. :) Ruby has just started to call them by their names: "Etan and Twaney".
Ruby jamming out in Bruce's shop loft...she knew just what to do! Girl loooves music and is starting to really sing. I love to hear her figuring it out. I am banned -- she shouts, "NO MAMA!". Just like Juju used to do. She loves "A Punk" by Vampire Weekend. She has all the "Heyheyhey" parts timed perfectly!

Ummm...someone is pretty excited!

Juju to space command - we have landed!

Time to see if Steven Hawkins is right...Aliens -- friends or foes? Our little warrior princesses are ready to find out!

We come in peace... (love the glove - nice touch E-man)
Or do we?? Juju is prepared to rid the world of Bad Aliens.... cue BSG sound track
Victorious! Thanks cousin Ethan for setting us up with all the props!

Day to's a bit of a blur!

A rare sighting! Ruby Cate in the tub by herself! Does not happen often - all this room!

Super Ruby
Daddy is the best!