Saturday, February 27, 2010

My girl Friday

Order up -- fairy chef with a side of rockstar

Girl is faaaaaaasssttt! Giddy-up

Auntie Nettie & Me...

Poppy & Juliet

Andy giving the girls a serious fit of the giggles

Spring is in the air!

Officer Hanson says time to get outside!

Big shoes are better

Let's go! Ruby is always up for an adventure.

Mama and Ruby have been loving our Friday morning rides together

Four & a Quarter

Juliet loves to tell you she is 4 and a 1/4 and lets you know that after that she will be turning 16. She is obsessed with the number 16. Slowwww down girlie! She is loving Japanese school and is learning all about shapes, body parts, and New Year in Japanese right now.

She loooves cuddling..especially waking up at 4AM and making her way into our bed (just like mama did when she was at that age). I secretly relish every minute of it...cold toes and all.

RIP Alexander McQueen


I like to hide behind the curtains for unsuspecting mommies and daddies to scare!

Peek - a - boo...I see you

Miss Ruby Cate is 22 months and as lively as ever! LOTS of new words, and a ton of activity. She wants to do whatever her big sister does which makes Juliet really laugh. She repeats everything after her, so we've been calling her MJ (mini-juju). She says "O-TAY" cuter than Eddie Murphy could ever hope to be and "Boo Boo Tat" for Jackson. She is even using her "please and thank yous" appropriately. Our little lovey.