Friday, January 23, 2009

Juliet & Ruby Cate

Happy, Happy New Year!

Visit from Auntie "Nettie"

The family that cross dresses together...

...stays together! Looking good.

Juliet & Auntie Sarah

Ruby Cate is 8 months!

She has really started to find her voice and tries to talk along with us. This sends Juliet into a fit of laughter. Juliet has also been trying to "interpret" with about 50% accuracy. Ruby Girl loves to groove to music and is a holy roller -- girl can roll anywhere, FAST. She is moving over to mobiles in school in a few weeks. We are trying to love every teensy minute of her fleeting babyhood...

Growing up a sister

Juliet loves to tell me all about her being a big sister and explaining our places in the family unit. According to Ms. J, she and Ruby and I are princesses and Daddy is the King! We had a good howl about that one. ;) I've been trying to get myself upgraded to Queen but she is having none of it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Santa Baby...

come down the chimney tonight! I'd say they were tasty, but you know how Santa feels about telling the truth. But they were sure fun to make.

Quiet Time...

Juliet & Finola getting their yaya's out

Juliet the Mini Mama

She has started to help feed her baby sister. She loves to make Ruby smile.

Christmas II

Santa Clause came to town...

Christmas morning

Juliet had extra fun because she not only opened all her presents - but Ruby Cate's too! Tissue tear madness!

Snow Days!

A Christmas miracle. Enough snow to close down P-town! Couldn't ask for a better Christmas surprise.