Saturday, August 29, 2009

Multnomah Falls

We are still so green at the 2 kid thing. I swear it takes us so long to get out of the house -- we keep trying though! We were about an hour too late this time. Only were able to walk the .2 mile trail before Ruby needed her nap. Arg! Next time, next time...

Budding Chef

The new secret to getting Juliet to eat something new is to have her prepare it with me. She is very helpful in the kitchen. Here she is making salmon cakes with me -- thanks Aunt Danette for the great kids cookbook!

Montage ala Ruby Cate

Whew! We made it past a couple of trying months with Ms. Ruby. She is back to being her fun little self. Teething, sickness and major milestones being reached added up for one grumpy little girl. She is still walking like a drunken sailor, but has added drunken climbing to her resume...can't quite figure out how to get down and will give you some of that new found fiery temper if you try and make her. On the flip side, she is so cuddly and loving you want to eat her up. She has finally moved to the Toddler class at school and is very happy -- likes being with the older kids so much better. A world's difference in personality than month ago...she wasreally ready to graduate from baby to toddler.

"Damn it feels good to be a gangster" ... Little Ruby girl scootched her drawls down and would not let me fix the baby crack.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer rocks

How can you not love the summers here? Hundi degree weather and all. Portland is a funny place once the sun finally comes out. You never know what you are going to see. Woman walking a turtle? Check. Men with capes in 100 degree weather? Check. My Little Pony's tethered to the old bridle tie off rings around town? Check. Business folks wading in fountains during lunch? Check. Little people able to get fudgsickles over every conceivable body part? Check Cheers to summer!


Hula girls on Parade! Juliet, Gillian and Lucy make for some pretty cute candy tossers. Elbow-elbow-wrist-wrist.

It's all about the kids

We were so lucky to get to visit with the Arnolds recently ~ it is amazing to see the kids grow and change. It is also fun to see my formally mischievous P-town crew unite on warm evening to share a beer and watch the mini-drama's unfold amongst the kiddos. Such entertainment. Roll call!

Miss Juliet

Miss Ruby Cate

Mr. Hunter

Miss Riley

Mr. Hendrick (aka mini-chip)

Miss Finola

Friday night concerts in the park

So much fun to have a little vino and watch the kids groove to some local music! Fernhill is a hidden gem.

Ruby Girl has some moves! She has been quite the handful lately. We've been calling her our little teradactyle. Enough said. But music calms the inner beast.

Quiet time before tumbling

Big Girl Bike!

After the MT trip, both girls got a bike upgrade. Juliet looks like such a big girl...sniff sniff

More MT

An afternoon walk around the Rattlesnake...MT

Deer in the grass

View of Mt. Jumbo

The Rattlesnake

Old pump house

Firehouse tour

Thanks Randi for the up close and personal tour -- so cool.

Fun in Missoula