Saturday, August 29, 2009

Montage ala Ruby Cate

Whew! We made it past a couple of trying months with Ms. Ruby. She is back to being her fun little self. Teething, sickness and major milestones being reached added up for one grumpy little girl. She is still walking like a drunken sailor, but has added drunken climbing to her resume...can't quite figure out how to get down and will give you some of that new found fiery temper if you try and make her. On the flip side, she is so cuddly and loving you want to eat her up. She has finally moved to the Toddler class at school and is very happy -- likes being with the older kids so much better. A world's difference in personality than month ago...she wasreally ready to graduate from baby to toddler.

"Damn it feels good to be a gangster" ... Little Ruby girl scootched her drawls down and would not let me fix the baby crack.