Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ruby Cate is TWO!!

Chasing big bubbles on her birthday
We found her with her finger in the cake
Love sent from the family
She knows it is her special day
Happy Birthday to our sweet lovey -- who reminds us daily that being two is hard work and that she is doing it her way. Her words are coming fast now and we are amazed each day at what she picks up. We are still calling her mini-mac (ala John McEnroe); she can really let you have it when she doesn't like your call. She is easy to laugh and easy to cry. She loves farms and animals and especially loves Diego ("Eggo"). Ruby is a carnivore who will eat most anything if you call it chicken and is teaching her 4 yr old sister about the love of bacon. She likes to lead you by the hand and will stop in front of the one thing she is not allowed to have and look at you with those huge brown eyes...and melt you.