Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spring Break in WA

Ruby Cate and Mama riding the rails...she just loved it! Made friends with everyone on the train. She had so much fun saying "hi" to everyone.

The girls just love their fellas. When Juliet gets sad, she always cries and says, "I miss my cousins!" Juliet talks about them soooo much her friends at school also say that they too have cousins named Ethan & Sean. :) Ruby has just started to call them by their names: "Etan and Twaney".
Ruby jamming out in Bruce's shop loft...she knew just what to do! Girl loooves music and is starting to really sing. I love to hear her figuring it out. I am banned -- she shouts, "NO MAMA!". Just like Juju used to do. She loves "A Punk" by Vampire Weekend. She has all the "Heyheyhey" parts timed perfectly!

Ummm...someone is pretty excited!