Friday, August 19, 2011

Camp Out at BV Jetty

Second annual pilgrimage for the Taylor/Hanson clans, and the Cleavelands made their camping debut! A great weekend at the sunny OR coast. It is such a joy to watch the girls run free. :)

Ruby, Ava, and Juliet

Ruby & Thatcher at the campsite.

Amazingly the campsite next to us was free almost the whole weekend so the kids had their own spot to explore and be away from the parents.

Derek rigged up the ipad for movie night in the Hanson's chateau.

Beach games...

The little ones trying to scare Juliet.
Ruby, Juliet & Nora. Appreciating the beauty or peeing? Hmmm, tough call.

Working together to build a fairy kingdom.

Ava and Juliet busy working on their seaweed mountain.